Gravity Separation
Gravity separation, relies on the difference in density of the mineral and the gangue. This technology can be applied to primary recovery, preconcentration, and final upgrading, as well as recycling and soil washing. Hazen's gravity concentration facilities are among the finest in the world.
Our laboratories contain small jigs, shaking tables, a Knelson concentrator, a Mozley vanner, and heavy-media separation equipment. Preliminary closed-circuit tests can be made with as little as a few kilograms of feed material.
The pilot-scale facilities are equipped to handle a variety of test programs on a larger scale. Samples as large as several tons can be fed continuously, either wet or dry, to the different concentrating units. Variable-speed controls, automatic samplers, rate-monitored process water, and agitated interstage storage tanks complete the facilities.
Equipment in the Pilot-Scale Facilities:
- An array of spirals
- Wilfley, Deister, and Gemeni shaking tables
- Reichert tray systems for pilot-scale 2.0- and 3.5-meter Reichert cone concentrators
- Pilot- and small production-scale jigs
- Cone and cyclone heavy-media separation systems
For Placer Gold Evaluations, the Gravity Facilities Have the Following:
- A conventional washing sluice system (Gold Miser)
- Standard sluices
- Scrubber trommels
- Mineral jigs
- Spirals
- Shaking tables
- Gold Wheel
- Knelson and Falcon centrifugal separators

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